Starting School in Reception - September Blog

When your child first starts school, it’s a big change in your family life. You may be trying to support your child to make it all feel exciting while, on the inside, you are feeling just as nervous. Here are some words of advice from our Head of EYFS and Reception teacher, Jane Ingle-Illes.

The beginning of September marks the start of autumn in the meteorological world. As days grow shorter and the temperatures begin to fall our thoughts turn to all our young children about to start on their school journey. This is an exciting time for families but also an emotional one; parents realise their babies are suddenly grown and ready to take steps into a more independent world and the children have a mix of excitement and uncertainty about their new adventure.

It is the responsibility of parents and educators to work together to ensure that these first days are full of positive emotions – excitement, confidence and happiness. This happens more successfully if children know exactly where they are going, who they will find there, what they will be doing when they get there and how long they will be staying. Getting these first steps right means children settle quicker and start learning and developing from day one.

None of us are the same, we cope with changes to our lives differently and children are no different. They all need different approaches and reassurances and by working together teachers and children can ensure each child’s experience is a positive one.

As a parent what is left for you to do to help ensure this transition is as smooth as possible?

The Day Before 

  1. School clothes laid out
  2. Shoes and coat ready at the door
  3. School bag packed
  4. Talk about the exciting day ahead

The BIG Day

  1. Take a is the first day after all!
  2. If your child isn't having school dinner, make a packed lunch
  3. Check what time your child needs to be collected
  4. Compare notes with other parents - you've made it!