Inspection Reports
Brackenfield Nursery was recently inspected by ISI in June 2023 and received an 'EXCELLENT in all areas'. The main findings and summary of the report are detailed below:
"Pupils of all abilities make excellent progress". Pupils' attitudes to their work are excellent. From the earliest age, they invariably engage with commitment and enthusiasm in their learning."
"Children in the nursery confidently select and engage in activities, responding confidently to the sensitive provision of a combination of guided independent options."
"Children develop their understanding of numbers from the EYFS, where the most able pupils are encouraged to use their skills to tackle word-based problems."
A copy of the full report can be found here.
Children in the EYFS make rapid progress from their start points, and continue to do so as they move through the infant and junior departments.
Brackenfield Nursery was inspected by Ofsted in November 2015 and received a very pleasing report. The main findings and summary of the report are detailed below:
“Staff know children very well. They know the different ways in which they like to learn and ensure that there is lots of space given to children to explore resources fully. Staff allow children time to be creative and use their imaginations. Staff praise their efforts and give children the confidence to keep trying tasks. Staff plan for children's individual needs. This ensures all children are fully included in the life of the setting and staff adjust activities to enable all children to take part. The staff know children's individual needs well and therefore all children, including those with special education needs and/or disabilities, are making good progress from their starting point. Children's good progress supports them to be ready for their next stage of learning and school".
"Staff work very closely with parents to ensure children settle well and feel safe and secure. The settling-in process is gradual and staff ensure they know children's routines thoroughly before they attend."
Children are emotionally prepared for their next stage in learning.
"Children behave very well. Children take on small responsibilities as they support each other to tidy away toys and take care of their environment. They tidy away to stop another tripping over resources. Children are further learning safe practices as they handle scissors with care and push chairs under tables after using them. These simple practices support children to learn about dangers in their environment and how to minimise them in order to stay safe. Children receive balanced meals and snacks. They thoroughly enjoy sitting with their friends at snack time."
"Children access the outdoors daily. Staff are close by to supervise play and support children to exercise in the fresh air."